Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Series Wednesday: Family Game Night page 66

“Frankie was only 6 years old when they bought me. I was the youngest girl they ever acquired. I was raised by Frankie’s father’s personal mistress. She was the best money could buy; it’s why Frankie’s father bought her. She only trained his best girls, the real money makers. Since I had been with her all my life, I only ever learned how to be the best from the best. Frankie grew up visiting me and playing with me as a child. His father spent a lot of time at our house. One day when Frankie was a teen he came to love me, so he paid for my time. His father told him nothing in life was free. I was already working out in the world and had many loyal clients.  I was the top earner. Frankie’s father treated me with such respect and allowed me to pick my clients and decided if I want to serve someone’s fantasy. I thought I was blessed then I met your parents and fell in love for the first time. However giving you up was more then I could ever take. So once I came back from being with your parents, Frankie offer to buy me so we could marry but I turned him down. I couldn’t marry someone I didn’t love; I also knew that I could never be his wife. His father would never allow it. I would have had to become a mistress meaning no children for me. After holding you that was a thought I couldn’t bare.” Hope’s eyes tear up.
                I hug Hope and I turn to show her that we have made it to the fire escape. “Do you know I taught Rose that trick?” Hope says with a smile on her face. “You can tell me all about it later. We have to get off this roof.” I tell her. I hear a shot sound right next to me. Daniel has fired his gun in the air. “She really can’t tell you later. Because she is not going to be a part of the family.” He says to me. Why don’t I have a gun on me? I look at Hope who looks calm as a cucumber.  “Why can’t I be a part of the family?” Hope asks Daniel. He is circling us and Hope slowly pushes me behind her. “Because you are not like us. You were raise with no emotions and no real feelings. You are an illusion at best. That is just not good enough for my family.” Daniel sounds like a total nut job. “Not your family. MY FAMILY but sure as hell not yours! So do not tell me who is going to be a part of MY family!” I scream at him.
                Daniel is laughing at me. “You don’t believe in killing, so you expect me to listen to you about your family?” Daniel says to me sarcastically. “Let me and Hope go. I will leave with her and never look back. You can have my family.” I tell him as I try to push Hope behind me.  Hope will not go behind me. “You can’t just leave with me now that Frankie has seen you. I can’t risk it.” Hope whispers into my ear. “Let’s talk about it later.” I whisper back to her. “So do we have a deal?” I ask Daniel. He moves is head back and forth like he is thinking about it. “No, I don’t want a family without you.” He says as he shoots Hope. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Series Wednesday: Family game night page 65

   “We need to get off this roof.” Hope says to Frankie and I. “The only way I saw off was the way we came up and it sounds like someone is coming from that way right now.” I tell Hope. “Go to the fire escape on the side of the building. Just get down to my men and I will meet you at the spot. My men have the location.” Frank says as he kisses Hope on the lips. I think there is way more going on with them then I thought. I look away as he kisses her. “Hope please be careful don’t make me come hunt you down again.” Frankie says. “I’ll see you soon.” Hope says not so lovingly back. She grabs my hand and we start to walk to the end of the large roof.
            I can hear the shooting behind us. We start to run to get to the end of the roof where the fire escape is. Hope is breathing very hard and stops running. “Come on we are almost there.” I tell her. She lifts up her shirt to show me bandages. “What is that?” I ask. “He punctured my lungs and had a doctor sew me back up. To ensure I couldn’t run away.” Hope explains. “You must be in so much pain.” I tell her. “Not pain, I’m use to pain this is just very annoying. It’s like my body can’t breathe the way I want it to.” Hope says as she holds her side. I can hear the gun shots behind us, they do not sound like they are getting closer. They sound like they are not moving. Maybe Frankie is keeping the shooters back.
            I for some reason can’t shake this memory of my mom Rose. I keep thinking of the time she told me the best way to really make someone suffer is to make them focus on the pain. When she is torturing someone she likes to make them tell her what they are feeling. So that way they cannot find relief in their minds from her. Maybe it can work both ways maybe I can make Hope focus on something else so that way she won’t feel her body fighting her to breathe. “Who is Frankie to you?” I ask her, I am trying to change her focus but I also really want to know. “Frankie is the closest thing I have to a childhood friend. His father bought me as a baby. As you know I was raised to serve the fantasy of others. I was never mistreated in the way you might think. I just was always for sell to a high caliber of men.” I can see Hope choosing her words carefully. As Hope is telling me her story I am picking her up and making her walk toward the fire escape. We need to get off this roof is all I am thinking as I continue to listen to Hope’s story.