here? In Timetopia? How is that even possible?” Rev rolls her eyes at James.
“It just is okay? I’m done talking about this. Ava we need to go get a car and
get out of here.” I nod yes. “No, you can’t. Look, since this flyer is only for
the people in this town in Timetopia, they definitely know you’re still here.
But they think you are alone. If you surface now, they will be ready for you.
Look at the flyer. It says managers only, which is convenient since they are
the only ones that can carry guns.” He seems to have a point, and by the look on
Rev’s face… I think she knows it too. “Well, what other options do we have?”
Rev asks. “Stay here for a few days, get rest, eat, and maybe train her on how
to use a gun. I can help prepare you two. If they are sending out flyers, they
mean business.” says James. I don’t want to learn how to use a gun. But staying
in one place in a bed sounds nice. I look at Rev and she is thinking about it,
I can tell. “I think it’s the best I idea. We can’t get caught. We have someone
waiting for us.” I wonder who she is talking about. I don’t want to ask in
front of James, because I know if I do she won’t answer. I look back at the
screens, they are watching people. “Can you see anyone you want?” I ask James.
“Yes I can. Why?” I could see my dad again. “Can I use it to see my dad?” James
smiles and moves out of the way for me to use the screens. I start to type in codes for my dad’s house,
I mean my house. My home. I start to
pull it up on the screen and there is a family in our home. They must have
moved him to a single room. No wife, no child, he is like a widower. So he will
be in a new place. How will I find him??? Okay think Ava. I could use his
tracker, but I would need access to the questions hall. The switch happened
last night. So my dad would be at work… I know exactly where he is. I pull up
his work and find his office on the screen. There is my dad fast at work behind
his desk. “Does this have a mic?” I ask James. “Yes, it has a mic. You can talk
and look at whoever you want, but you can only do it for a little bit, it won’t
trace back to here but they might figure out you’re on their server and kick
you out. If that happens, we will be blind out here.” I nod yes to show that I
understand what he is telling me. James and Rev walk back upstairs. I take over
the screen in my dad’s office. I put words on it first telling him to close his
door. He sees it instantly, walks over and closes the door so no one can see or
hear into his office. “Dad.” My dad’s eyes fill with tears. “Ava, you can’t keep
doing this. They will catch you this way. They moved me into the houses next to
the managers. They knew that you would try to talk to me, they are just
waiting.” I can hear the fear in my father’s voice. “I’m sorry dad but I needed
to know you were okay. Especially after I found out what the switch festival
really is. Dad they test on us.” My dad’s head goes down. “I know they do. This
is why your mom got you out last year by slipping tonic into your first drink.
It’s why you got so sick so fast, but we had to protect you.” Well that answers
that question. “Dad who am I? Why did you have to protect me? Why am I missing
my tracker?” My dad takes a deep breath in. “How far are you from your
grandmas?” That doesn’t answer my questions. “I’m not sure. Why won’t anyone
answer my questions?” I hear noises on
my dad’s end. “Someone is coming. Listen, who you are is my daughter and I love
you. Trust no one but Rev. Now disconnect Ava!!!” I see them break down the
door at his office. They are dragging him out. I disconnect before they can do
it for me. My dad says to trust Rev and so did my mom. I wonder if they know
who she is and where she is from. I look at the watch Charles gave me. Maybe I
should tell her about it. Maybe I should need to learn how to use a gun.
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