Leave your filter behind. Be as messy minded as you want here. Open your mind to new idea and thoughts or just escape in the fantasy of it all.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Friday end of the work week!!!
Hello and happy Friday. i love saying that. Happy Friday like its a holiday that comes every week. knowing that tomorrow no alarm has to be set. its a truly magical feeling. It makes the whole day seem better. well i have really been enjoying this week. and enjoying writing my Wednesday series for you guys, i love next weeks so much i wish i could give you a sneak peak. actually you know i might. if by 12 pm tomorrow (PST) 15 people comment on this post i will post the next page for 12 hours and the delete and put it back up on series Wednesday. all you have to do is post a comment saying you want to see it. you have 24 hours before its over. only 15 have to comment with in the 24 hour period so if you really want to read it tell your friends to comment. :) Thanks for reading and i hope you all have a great Friday!
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Series Wednesday: Timetopia Page 2
I get my bearings I start to look around the fast moving van. I see long dark
hair in the driver’s seat. I see my mom fading farther away into the distance,
I have always thought of myself as unemotional but I start to cry at the
thought that I won’t see her again. I look at my arm and I see a huge piece of glass
sticking out and I’m still losing a lot of blood. I’m starting to not feel so
great. “You hold on back there!” is the last thing I hear before I shut my eyes.
up Ava! Open your eyes!” I feel someone shaking me. I look and all I see is
long dark hair. I sit up and look around. I am in someone’s home. My arm is bandaged
up and this girl is just sitting here watching me. “Ava I need you to speak.”
She say as she flashes a little light into my eyes. “Who are you?” I push her
hand away. “Good you’re up. You need to eat, you have been out for two days.
You need to regain your strength if we are going to make it to your grandma’s
house.” In Timetopia we are taught to
never be violent or untrusting. If someone was these things they would be erased.
So most of us have little to no scars, but this dark haired lady who conveniently
didn’t answer my question, had lots of scars. “I’m sorry I must’ve missed the
part where you said who you are?” I
stand up to look her in the eyes. She leans past me and pulls a huge knife out
and puts it in her back pack. “I’m sorry
where are my manners? I’m Rev, nice to meet you.” She continues packing her
bag. “Hello Rev nice to meet you as
well.” I stop and it finally hits me she said we are going to my grandma’s
house. I wonder if she means the grandma that my parents swear I look like.
“Did you say my grandma’s house? Would this be my mother’s mom?” she turns and
smiles. In a way I have never seen anyone smile before in my life. That’s when I
notice her teeth are crooked, so I know that means something is wrong with her.
I step back away from her. “Your teeth!” I can’t help but shout. “Oh right I
forgot, you all get braces at 12. Freaks!” She is packing food and blankets now. “First,
what is a freak? And it is a law, everyone must get braces at age 12. We have
to do this, it’s not a choice. So why are your teeth crooked?” She sighs so loud and drops the back pack. “Do
you know why they make you get braces!? Why they make all of you get braces??
And why they make all of you stay within 20% body fat.” She says this like we weren’t all taught this
in school our whole life. “We are all made to look our best. So that there is
no jealousy or insecurity. So we can focus on the really important things. Like
the well being of the earth and each other.” Rev is shaking and I’m not sure
why. Something I’ve said is clearly upsetting her. “NOO, wrong! The Five just
want to be sure that you never do anything to stand out or be different. To
think for yourself or question anything they tell you.” She is shouting now.
I’m not sure why she is so angry. “The
Five stepped up after the war. They lost everything, the Five’s families were
murdered. So they built the time machine to save millions from the war but when
they changed one thing, their families were never born.” I sound like my
teacher in history. Rev is now pacing back and forth. “When was this war?” she
says as she rubs her hands on her face. “I’m not sure because it never
happened.” Rev laughs at me out loud. “The war is still 100 years from now. I’m
sure your history classes forgot to mention that. The Five went back 300
years.” Rev tilts her head at me like she just said something completely new to
me. “What does it matter when it is? The point is they fixed it.” I’m not sure
why I am standing up for the Five but it seems like I am. “Get rest. We are
going to have to go soon.” Rev hands me a blanket. I head over to the bed very
get up we need to go. Do you hear that?” Rev say as she shoves everything into
the last bag. “Yeah it sounds like a motorbike in the distance.” Rev is running
back and forth to the van throwing the bags in. “Yeah, it’s the police and they
don’t sound too far away. We have to go now.” Rev keeps saying things I don’t
understand. “What are police? And they are probably wellness checkers. Why do
we have to run? They are just coming to ensure that I am okay. I did get hurt a
few days ago.” Rev is still running back and forth very quickly. “We are 300
miles from your home. There is no way they know you are hurt or that you are
here. If we don’t run they will erase your mom.” I’m not sure why but I trust
Rev. I get in the van and we drive away. I’m not sure what is happening or why
we are running but I know I don’t want anything to happen to my mom.
Good morning hump day. Today is series Wednesday i hope you are all as excited as me. I will be posting this weeks installment at 3:30 PST and 6:30 est. So if you want to just get to the good stuff and not have to guess about when this weeks adventure is coming up. its the same time as last week and will be the same time next week as well. I hope you are as excited to go on this journey and adventure in timetopia as i am. Thanks for reading and i hope to see you tune in later today.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Excited for series Wednesday tomorrow
Good morning every one. After what a hit timetopia was on its opening day i am so excited to post tomorrows edition. i hope your all ready for lots of adventure. i am so thankful to all of you for reading and i hope you enjoy. And if you haven't gotten a chance yet. GO READ! you don't want to already be a week behind.
i really hope every one is having a good start to the week. i am already ready for the weekend. i am so exhausted already. but I have to get up super early this morning to drop my roommate off at the airport so i have been up for hours. Thank you for reading and i hope to see you tune in for series Wednesday tomorrow.
i really hope every one is having a good start to the week. i am already ready for the weekend. i am so exhausted already. but I have to get up super early this morning to drop my roommate off at the airport so i have been up for hours. Thank you for reading and i hope to see you tune in for series Wednesday tomorrow.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Sunday fun day.
Happy Sunday everyone. today is my working day on my writing trying to make sure can fit all i want into one page for next weeks series Wednesday, this can go so many ways and trying to stay true to a charter is hard. but i hope you love where timetopia takes you. If haven't gotta a chance to check it out go look. right there on your left hand of the screen is a timetopia button. i wouldn't want you not to know what i'm talking about. Well i hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. As always thanks for reading.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Poem: The appeasement line
We can not please everyone in site.
Nor should we try.
To appease everyone is to fail ones self.
To never know yourself's wants or desires.
Life will be nothing be endless despair.
You will be disposable because your nothing rare.
Just another mindless drone.
ready to serve, never ready to stand alone.
For you'll need their praise.
Becoming a slave to any master.
No opinion or free thought that might offend.
Unoriginal in every way,
but your appearance.
Appearance alone speaks mountain to why we should be different.
We don't all look a like for good reason.
We are meant to stand alone.
We are meant to grow at our own pace,
To some day make our own homes.
But no home worth having comes with out a struggle or fight.
So stop trying to appease and decide.
Where do you stand on the moral line?
Thursday, September 22, 2016
So Thankful on this thursday
Good morning all. i just want to thank everyone who tuned in last night. You all made the launch of series Wednesday a huge success. So Thank you. I hope you enjoyed it. If you missed it scroll down and read. i wouldn't want you to miss a thing that happens in Timetopia. i am over the moon with excitement and am so blessed that so many of you read it. I would love to hear all of your feed back so please don't be shy leave a comment. Well as always thanks for reading and for all the support.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Series Wednesday: Timetopia page 1
you ever thought you could make a real difference in that you could impact everyone you knows life in a good way? I did. I
thought I could change everything for the better. I guess that was just me
being idealistic.
Hi my
name is Ava, short for Aviator. I guess they were once brave pilots who fought
in wars. That must have been why my mom named me after them. She knew that one
day I would have to fight the war she had started. But we can get into all of that
later. I’m 17 years old and it was on my 17th birthday that
everything changed. I am from the land Timetopia. I know what you are thinking,
you have never heard of it. It’s a land far away from yours and yet not far at
all. It is a land without crime, war or famine. It’s truly a peaceful land. The
time travelers made sure of that. Timetopia is ran by the Five, in hush tones
we call them the black coats. They rule all the land and if you go against the
black coats, they would be the last thing you ever see. I guess it’s not so bad
because they just erase you. So it’s not like any one even remembers you. The time
travelers are from a different time line, where they came from was hell. That’s
why the time machine was created. With the time machine, they could stop the world
from destroying itself. They were very successful and now we all live in peace.
school we learn about them, our whole history is what they tell us it is. The
weirdest part is no one ever seems to question it. I guess it because it’s all
we know. No matter how curious any one is, if you ask a question out loud you
will disappear. But I always wondered how they did it. How them and them alone
could use the machine. All of their technology only works for the Five. We
never learned about any of that in class. I am the top of my class and my
garden was always the greenest on my block. However, I have never thought of
myself any different than any of the other kids here. I guess it wasn’t until a
few months ago that I figured out how special I really am.
I could hear my mom yelling from the kitchen. I look around my room as I start
to roll out of bed. I can smell my birthday pancakes from the hall way as I
head to the kitchen. “Look at my big girl” my mom squeals as I walk in. “I am
only 17 mom, not yet an adult.” I tell her as I sit in front of my pancakes
with a candle. “I still remember the day we brought you home. Your head already
full of these beautiful thick curls of yours.” I laugh at my mom. She has
always admired my beautiful black curls. I have always wondered where I got
them from, seeing as my mother and father both have straight hair. But my mom
insists that way on the other side of timetopia where my grandma lives I would
see an older version of myself. They tell me I am my grandmother’s twin. Even
though I have never seen her or even a picture of her. But I had no reason not
to believe my mom, I just like to question everything. “Today is going to be so
much fun. We are going to the history of Five museum.” I could not even finish
my pancakes once I heard that. I have been wanting to go there forever! I jump
out of my seat and hug my mom. “Really?? I can’t believe it. I am so excited!”
I run to my room to change.
We drive up to the museum and I nearly jump out of the bus. I run up the stairs past the
giant monuments of the Five. I want to see the technology. I run right up to
the first display and I end up slipping and slide right into the glass. When I
catch myself I see the blood dripping down my arm. I try to get up and I touch
everything. The machines started making noise as soon as I touched them. I
don’t understand, they only work for the Five how are they turning on….. Now
everyone is looking at me. The whole museum has stopped. All of the sudden a
loud alarm is going off. My mom comes running inside and grabs me and rushes me
to a car. “What’s happening mom?” I scream as she pushes me in. “I’ll explain
later you have to go.” I have a horrible feeling as the car drives away like
never going to see her again.
Good morning on this hump day
Good morning and happy Wednesday. To day i am very excited for the kick off of story time Wednesday. So this is how it is going to work. On Wednesday i am going to post a page of a story read the title to make sure which story your reading. be sure to keep up every week with your favorite charters. You never know what might happen. and comment your thought and maybe even a guess of what next week might hold. Don't for get to follow this blog so you don't miss a thing. I will be posting the first page later to night. As always thanks for reading and thank you for all of your support.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Poem: Smoked screened pain
You may never know, understand or even care the life i have lived.
I have taken every painful moment as a learning experience.
I cant say I am prefect or that i am done learning.
Error is like air to human.
i can not promise not to make mistakes,
What i can say is that i will try.
Everyday I will give it my all to make it better then the last.
I hope someday you can see past the shell.
the so called strength i so proudly claim to have held.
Is nothing more then a sad smoke screen.
To hide what really lies beneath.
I am weaken by my good-hearted nature.
Wanting to see the best in a truly ugly world.
i have almost given up on the belief of others kindness.
And when its someone i love who hurts me.
i cant help but retreat.
I smile and say everything is okay.
But really deep down deeper then the eye can see.
I am sadden in myself and my stupid beliefs.
I don't know if anyone will ever really know me.
But that won't stop me from loving them.
It will just stop them from ever being able to love the real me.
The kind nature girl,
Who wouldn't hurt any body.
Even if they hurt her first.
Keeping you up to date
Good morning. Today is a normal Tuesday and i know what your thinking. oh great Tuesday, Friday is much to far, well this is a good Tuesday now that i am more settled and have more time to dedicate to my blog, i am going to be starting something a little new for Wednesday. i'm not sure yet if its going to be every Wednesday or every other yet. But it is going to be series Wednesday, i am going to start writing one page of the same story every Wednesday. so you are going to have to stay tune for a few weeks to see how it ends. i am very excited about this. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you tomorrow for the kick off of my new Wednesday specials.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Poem: My not so blood sister
Sister not by blood,
Sister not by birth.
But no less my sister.
We may go far.
We will grow apart.
But no less my sister
Call me in the middle of the night,
But won't call me when we fight.
But no less my sister.
Your stuff is mine she says,
I absolutely hate that line.
But my sister no less.
Your all i know.
When we are far your who i long for.
More then just my sister
They say you can't chose your family.
That is true.
Cause i didn't pick you,
You were always my sister.
Back from visiting sister
This weekend was amazing.i left the beautiful state of Florida to visit my sister in the wonderful state of VA. i had a blast with my sister. she was so much fun as always, my sister has such a youthful soul. she is not like any one else i know. Any one who has ever met her knows that they are in a presents of some one they might never for get even if they wanted to. She is a people person like you would not believe, she could walk into any room and get every ones attention with one look. As her sister who wasn't as sheltered for the cruel world I always tried to protect her from it. I thought as long as kept seeing the world as her wondrous playground, i would continue to see the beauty in it. We are now in our mid 20's and the world is still her play ground even after years in the armed forces. i love her for that. Well as always thanks for reading.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Weather change
Florida weather is a huge change from California, it rains so much here. it is a lot to get use to. Driving in the rain is the worst but i love it here. i cant imagine leaving back to California. i do how ever miss my mother. but i am going to focus on getting my stuff together. some new things in the work. Thanks always for reading .
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Poem: yesterday reality today's dream
Eyes closed locked in a beautiful wonderland.
A dream state so unbelievably happy.
All envied her joy.
Then morning came.
And gone the dream was.
Just a unsatisfying reality was all that was left.
She couldn't shake the dream,
her heart broke by its departure.
Leaving her in despair.
Leaving her in despair.
She moved on with her life.
But sometimes her mind would wander back in her dreams.
she went back to the days where her wake matched her slumber state.
Where her heart was filled with love.
Where the sun was high.
Blinding her with true bliss and complete happiness
An although it was now years ago.
She cant help her heart
Still in love with the boy who once brought her nothing but joy.
Still in love with the boy who once brought her nothing but joy.
Happy Sunday
Hello everyone,
I hope your enjoying your Sunday. I have been really enjoying my new life on the east coast. i lived in California my whole life and its nice to see something different. its so beautiful here in Florida. its so funny how different things are. there was a hurricane scare here last week. it was my very first hurricane warning. Back where i lived in California we would have earthquake warnings. But we would never felt them we were not close enough to a plate to feel the shock waves. People in my town would even joke about it. that is exactly how i felt about the hurricane was. People were the same way here and joking about how this wasn't even a big deal. but having a few days off work was nice got my creative juices flowing. i cant wait to share it with you. Thanks as always for reading.
I hope your enjoying your Sunday. I have been really enjoying my new life on the east coast. i lived in California my whole life and its nice to see something different. its so beautiful here in Florida. its so funny how different things are. there was a hurricane scare here last week. it was my very first hurricane warning. Back where i lived in California we would have earthquake warnings. But we would never felt them we were not close enough to a plate to feel the shock waves. People in my town would even joke about it. that is exactly how i felt about the hurricane was. People were the same way here and joking about how this wasn't even a big deal. but having a few days off work was nice got my creative juices flowing. i cant wait to share it with you. Thanks as always for reading.
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