Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Series Wednesday: Timetopia page 1

                Have you ever thought you could make a real difference in that you could impact everyone you knows life in a good way? I did. I thought I could change everything for the better. I guess that was just me being idealistic.
                Hi my name is Ava, short for Aviator. I guess they were once brave pilots who fought in wars. That must have been why my mom named me after them. She knew that one day I would have to fight the war she had started. But we can get into all of that later. I’m 17 years old and it was on my 17th birthday that everything changed. I am from the land Timetopia. I know what you are thinking, you have never heard of it. It’s a land far away from yours and yet not far at all. It is a land without crime, war or famine. It’s truly a peaceful land. The time travelers made sure of that. Timetopia is ran by the Five, in hush tones we call them the black coats. They rule all the land and if you go against the black coats, they would be the last thing you ever see. I guess it’s not so bad because they just erase you. So it’s not like any one even remembers you. The time travelers are from a different time line, where they came from was hell. That’s why the time machine was created. With the time machine, they could stop the world from destroying itself. They were very successful and now we all live in peace.
                In school we learn about them, our whole history is what they tell us it is. The weirdest part is no one ever seems to question it. I guess it because it’s all we know. No matter how curious any one is, if you ask a question out loud you will disappear. But I always wondered how they did it. How them and them alone could use the machine. All of their technology only works for the Five. We never learned about any of that in class. I am the top of my class and my garden was always the greenest on my block. However, I have never thought of myself any different than any of the other kids here. I guess it wasn’t until a few months ago that I figured out how special I really am.
                “Ava!” I could hear my mom yelling from the kitchen. I look around my room as I start to roll out of bed. I can smell my birthday pancakes from the hall way as I head to the kitchen. “Look at my big girl” my mom squeals as I walk in. “I am only 17 mom, not yet an adult.” I tell her as I sit in front of my pancakes with a candle. “I still remember the day we brought you home. Your head already full of these beautiful thick curls of yours.” I laugh at my mom. She has always admired my beautiful black curls. I have always wondered where I got them from, seeing as my mother and father both have straight hair. But my mom insists that way on the other side of timetopia where my grandma lives I would see an older version of myself. They tell me I am my grandmother’s twin. Even though I have never seen her or even a picture of her. But I had no reason not to believe my mom, I just like to question everything. “Today is going to be so much fun. We are going to the history of Five museum.” I could not even finish my pancakes once I heard that. I have been wanting to go there forever! I jump out of my seat and hug my mom. “Really?? I can’t believe it. I am so excited!” I run to my room to change.

                We drive up to the museum and I nearly jump out of the bus. I run up the stairs past the giant monuments of the Five. I want to see the technology. I run right up to the first display and I end up slipping and slide right into the glass. When I catch myself I see the blood dripping down my arm. I try to get up and I touch everything. The machines started making noise as soon as I touched them. I don’t understand, they only work for the Five how are they turning on….. Now everyone is looking at me. The whole museum has stopped. All of the sudden a loud alarm is going off. My mom comes running inside and grabs me and rushes me to a car. “What’s happening mom?” I scream as she pushes me in. “I’ll explain later you have to go.” I have a horrible feeling as the car drives away like never going to see her again.


  1. Very good honey girl! I cannot wait for your next installment!!

  2. Interesting take, leaves a lot to be discovered, I'm glad that you're a member of Authors United

    O.A.B. representative
