Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Series Wednesday: Timetopia Page 66

      I am searching through all the screens data to see where Charles was when we were coming through the hole. I look at all the rooms and I don’t see him anywhere. I think about what Kora said about there being labs here. I look for the labs on the screens but I am not sure what a lab even looks like. Maybe I should have asked Kora and Rev to go into more detail when they were talking about it. I wonder if a workroom is the same as a lab. I look through all the workrooms to see if I can find him. I go back 20 minutes before we came through and search every room. I wonder if I can use his picture to search for his face?? I pull up his picture from the history books on the screen and start to search for his face. The screen instantly pulls him up in front of the wellness center talking to a crowd. I make the screens go quicker to follow him up to the time we come through. Right before we start to come through an alarm seems to have been set off as the hole opens for us to come through. That is when Charles ran back to the penthouse. There are no cameras in there but everyone was cleared out of the wellness center. I think that means he pulled her to the penthouse.
                I wonder the halls toward the penthouse trying to walk as gently as I can. I look around for anyone who might have stood behind but the halls are completely empty.  I have my gun in my hand but I don't want to walk with it up the way Rev showed me;  for the simple fact that if someone is hiding in here that has nothing to do with this I don't want to scare them or even worse hurt them. I walk up the stair to the next level where the penthouse is, as I reach the top of the stairs I see the door to the penthouse open. I take a deep breath and head in. I see Rev right away. She is attached to some kind of bag with water in it and she seems to be sleeping on a wellness bed. I run up to her and start to shake her but she will not wake up. "She is on a sedative. So there really is no use in shaking her." I hear Charles say from behind me. I just realized I dropped my gun as soon as I saw Rev so now I don't have it to point at him. I slowly turn around to face him. "Would you like something to drink?" He asks me as he walks over to this shiny metal tube. "No thank you." I say as he uses the metal tubs nozzle to pour out something dark with strong vanilla smell. He looks back at me and raises his tea cup. "It’s coffee just in case you were wondering what that smell was. I unlike the others couldn't give it up. I know in the new healthier world we created there is supposed to be no substitute for sleep but some habits are hard to kick. I'm sorry you have no idea what I am going on about." Charles sips on his coffee and sits on a sofa across from me. "Why don't you take a seat." he says to me pointing at the love seat not too far from where I am standing. I walk over and sit down not too sure what to say. "I have to ask; I will regret it if I don't. Why Charles?? Why the name change?" I just have to know.  "Richard was my father's name and it was what all my loved ones called me. When I woke up in the future I thought it was time for a change. My loved ones were all dead and so was Richard. Why Ava? I mean why did your parents name you that? Did you ever ask?" I laugh at his questions about my name. "My name is not Ava. Ava is short for Aviator.  They were once brave pilots who fought in wars." His face goes very blank by my explanation of where my name came from. "I know what an aviator is my great grandfather and father were both pilots. That is not a very girly name, is it?" Charles says as he looks up with great thought. "No it is not, I have been telling my parents that for many years."   He kind of makes a snort sound and shakes his head. "I just have one other question about your name." He states. "Okay. What is it?" I ask very curious what it might be. "There is no history that Aviators ever existed. We didn't want to give people heroes to admire beside us. So please explain how your parents named you after something they had no idea even existed." I stop breathing and start thinking. They didn't teach us about aviators in school. The only reason I know what my name mean is just because my parents told me. "It leads me to believe that you're not helping Rev, that she is helping you but why would she be helping you? Why are you special?" Charles says as he pulls a gun out of the sofa and points it at me. "Oh Richard aren't you always late to the party." Rev says from behind Charles with a gun pointed right at his head. "I didn't even hear you move, I forgot how good you are at that." Charles says Rev just laughs

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