Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Series Wednesday: Timetopia Page 54

Rev looks behind the table. " Darn I missed. Well that unfortunate, we were having such a good dinner too." I think Rev is telling a joke but I am never sure. "What do we do now?" I asked.  "Stay close I will get that orb! We are just going to have to work fast.  But make sure you do not get caught in the cross fire." Rev says. I nod yes. The power goes off, Rev looks around. "Follow me but be ready to hide if you have to okay?" Rev says as she starts walking. "Okay." Follow her. We walk through the kitchen with no one in it. We find ourselves in a hall way. Once again this hall way has no doors. I follow closely behind Rev.  The lights flash back on and off. I look up, I hear the wall move and West comes out. He smacks the shot gun out of Rev's hand. He tries to grab Rev and she slips right through his arms. "Hide!" she yells at me.  But I have nowhere to run. I look down this hall way of no doors. West came out of the walls somehow. Rev kicks West right in the face and knocks him down. She laughs. "Men always think they can take on the little girl and get knocked on their ass." Rev says to West who gets up off the floor. "Maybe men from your time. It’s only because you cheat not letting them know you a mortified human." What did West just say??? I stop looking for somewhere to hide and look back. Rev pulls West down to the floor and flips him on his back. "I am not like you. Don't be mad that an ordinary girl is whooping your ass." Rev says as she gets to her feet. West sits up. "Your right you are not like me. You are like the first generation of modified. I am after generations of perfecting it." West says to Rev. Rev's face looks confused. "If your perfection then our world has gotten a lot worse in the future then I thought. Plus like I told you I am not a mortified anything just a normal old orphan."  Rev says to West. He starts to get up. He looks back at me and then back to Rev. "You really have no idea who you are do you. Think about it have you ever broke a bone? Wonder why? I can tell you. Your bones are thicker than a normal old orphan. You know how I know all of this. My hits should have broken your bones but they didn't. Plus look at Ava's face if you think I am lying. She clearly knows." Rev looks at me now along with West.  I feel so uncomfortable. I look Rev right in the eye. "Ava do you know what he is talking about?" She asks so gently. I nod yes. "Ava it’s okay." She says to me. West eyes are locked on me. Rev is pulling something out of her backpack and shoves it into West neck. He starts to shake and falls to the ground. Rev knocked him out. 

                "What did you do to him?" I ask her as we stand over him. "I gave him enough electrical current to knock out the power of a small city block." She laughs   "Couldn't that kill him?"  I ask her. "I mean it could but it won’t. I was looking through all those papers Kora gave us. The people who made him use to test on the kids to see how much they could endure. So I knew it wouldn't kill him based on that."  Rev say as she grabs a metal rope to tie him up with out of her back pack. "Are you mad at me for not telling you that you were tested on when you were an embryo?" I ask her. She finishes tying up West. "No I'm not mad. Just a little curious as to why you didn't tell me. Or better yet how did you find out about it?" Rev sits on West unconscious body. "Kora found out. She wanted to find your real parents. It was going to be a gift to you for helping her out. She found your mom. That when she found out she had died in a fire where they thought you had passed too.  Someone left you on that bus to give you a chance at life."  Kora told this so much better. I am not sure why she left this to me.   "So I am a test tube baby. Great anything else you want to tell me?" Rev says well laughing. I think she is joking. "All the other babies died. Only you and a set of twins lived. So you have older siblings. But that is pretty much it. That's all I know." I just blurt it all out. Rev's face looks like she is in shock. "I have siblings. Great! Wait if they thought I was dead where are they at?" I look at her. “Your government has them. Not that I am sure what that even means. I’m sorry we can ask Kora together if you would like.” I look at West who is still unconscious. “I don’t think I am the type to need anyone to hold my hand but thanks for the offer.” I didn’t think she would take my offer either. “What about him?” I point at West. “We get the orb and draw some blood. Do that thing where you slap them together and we’ll be on our way.”  Rev says it like everything is that simple. “Okay. So where is the orb?” I ask her. She reaches into West’s pocket. Her face gets sharp. I know that look she didn’t find what she wanted. “Not in there?” I ask. She flips him over and looks through all of his other pockets. “He must have hid it when he ran.” I look back down the hall way with no doors. He could have hid it anywhere. “Where do we start?” I ask Rev and look back at her. She walks next to me and looks at the hall way. “Ummmm. I guess we wake him up and make him tell us?” I look at her. “Make him how?” I ask her. She smiles, “the good old fashion way.  Massive amounts of pain.” I don’t think I like this plan.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

1 year down of Timetopia

Good morning every one!!!
     I cant believe a year ago today i started Timetopia! This has been so much fun to write. i honestly never thought i would be writing this novel for this long. It took a turn i didn't even foresee. This is so exciting to me. I thank everyone so much for tuning in every week and for all your support. It means the world to get your messages and your tweets about it. I can't even express my thankfulness. I am so blessed and lucky to have started on this amazing journey!!! i will finish the series when its done. There is no time limit on it. But i already know the ending. Its a twist for sure. I LOVE YOU ALL!! thanks as always for reading. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Series Wednesday: Timetopia page 53

                We are in the house, it’s completely empty. It’s scary how silent the hallways are. "Where is everyone?" I ask Rev. "I would really like to know the same thing. Just be sure to stay close behind me." Rev starts heading down the hall way. I do as she says and stay close. We walk down the long hallway. There appears to be no doors or rooms on this floor. We head up the stairs to the main level. There is West just standing there waiting. "Welcome! I have been waiting for you." He says sounding almost happy. He motions to the table in the next room with food on it. "Are you hungry?" He asks. "I could eat." Rev says as she walks over. She still has her gun in her hand. "How did you know we were coming?" I ask, still standing in the same spot. I felt that without an answer, I could not move. "I saw you on the screens and you have been gone for some time. I figured you appeared to see me. So I had my staff whip some food up so we could talk about the reason your here."  He smiles again at me. I don't like his smile, he mouth does not curve up like most people smiles but instead his smile goes straight across like it is fake.  I look at Rev and she is already at the table sniffing the food.

                "Do you want a crab cake?" West asks Rev and she smiles. "Yes, I would love a crab cake." She takes one and starts eating her mount of food on her plate. "Why are you being so nice to us?" I can't help but blurt out. "Because I know whatever reason you’re here has little to nothing to do with me. Rev is Charles’ ex-wife and you, well... I'm not sure why you are here yet or who that effects." West says as he eats his piece of steak. "You’re right, us being here really doesn't have much to do with you. Also, I am Charles’ wife, but only because killing my mother and betraying me did not get us a divorce. It just makes him a horrible person."  Rev's words are so sweetly said but so unkind. I might never know how she does that.   "Right, that makes sense. I was married once, I know what it is to be betrayed by the one you love. It also hurts when you still love them." He seems hurt. I have never heard about West having a wife. I am very shocked. "Do you mind if I ask what happened? Just for the simple fact that I have spent my whole life going to school learning all about The Five's lives and never once have I heard anything about you being married." I don't mean to be rude, I just want to know why there is nothing in the history books about him being married. "Well that’s because I wrote your history books and I felt it best to leave her out. But if you insist on hearing the story… She was a brilliant scientist and that's how we met. We met inside the camps, after my country had been destroyed. I fell for her instantly. We got married within 14 days of knowing each other. That was my first mistake. I should’ve gotten to know her better, but we were young and in love with plans to fix the world." He stops talking and takes a deep breath. I wonder if she’s dead or if they just erased her when they changed the time line. "Well what did she do to betray you?" Rev asks. "She slept with a teammate. When I asked her why, her response..." He stops again. "Her response was what?! Do not half tell a story I hate that!" Rev yells at him. "She said she slept with him to save the future. What a line right." West seems so sad still. "Try having your husband kill your mom and leave you to rot in a CIA black hole." Rev says back to him. "I am sorry she hurt you."  I say to try and be kind. West doesn't seem like a bad guy. He isn't what I thought he was going to be.  I look at Rev wondering if she is thinking the same thing but with her it’s hard to tell what she is really thinking. "So why don't you tell me why you two are really here." West says. I look at Rev and she nods her head at me. I see her gun still in her hand. "We are here for your orb." I say and look at his face. He looks surprised. "Why would you want my orb? It wouldn't work for you. Plus, how do you even know about it?"  He asks. "Well if it won’t work for us why can’t we see it?" Rev says. He looks at her for a second. West stands up and pulls it out of his pocket. "If you want it, come get it." He says to Rev. Rev smiles at him and then I hear the pop sound. I look up at West to see that Rev shot him in the leg.  "That was your warning. Give us the orb."  Rev says, pointing the gun at his head. West starts laughing and looks down at his leg.  He dusts the bullet off his leg like it was nothing more than a bug biting him. "You see… my bones are 5 times thicker than your average person. So that was not the smartest idea." West says.  Rev smiles as she reaches behind her head into her backpack. She pulls out a sawed-off shot gun as she calls it. "Let’s test how bullet proof you really are." She smiles. West flips the table at us and Rev shoots. The sound is unbearable.  I hit the floor and cover my ears. 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Update: Hurricane Irma

Good afternoon every one,
     Sorry i did not post timetopia this week. I had to be evacuated last week because of hurricane Irma. I went back to California with my family. So this week i was on the road back to Florida and had no internet to post. But next week we will be back to our regular schedule. It means so much to me to get your guys tweets and messages asking for timetopia. Thank you! It means the world to see you enjoying the story. 

      The trip to California was no joke. I have never drove there before. I have a new admiration for long haul truck drivers i don't know how they do it. I also got a ticket for speeding not to mention the craziness of being pulled over. I had my car searched. It was one crazy road trip. If you want to hear the story behind me getting my car searched leave a comment below and ill write it for you guys.. Well got to jet. Thank you as always for reading. I am so thankful to all of you who support me and tune in every week. until next time. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Series Wednesday: Timetopia Page 52

                Kora made a swift exit out of the room after what I said, leaving me and Rev with a bunch of papers about the future. "Don't feel bad Ava. You didn't say anything wrong. You’re right about them testing on you guys here. It’s no different." Rev tries to comfort me. But I don't feel bad, I just don't understand Kora's reaction. "What did James say when you went to see him?" I try to change the subject to something else. "Before or after I told him he’s going to have a daughter who hates him? But not to worry because we’re going to bring back my timeline so he will never have been born, so she won’t hate him." Rev is hurt, I can tell. "Yeah after that what did he say?" I respond. Her eyes lock on me as she tilts her head. "I hate that you’re not being sarcastic. At least then I could say something back and not feel bad."  I shrug at her. I’m not sure she ever feels bad after saying what's on her mind. "Are you ready to face West?" Kora asks as she reenters the room. I look up and grab my back pack. "Sure." I say. Rev runs to the room to grab her bag. "Guns lock and loaded. So I am ready."  She smiles as she takes the safety off of her gun. I grab the orb and off we go.
                We are in the middle of a city not too far from where I grew up. Everyone is looking at us strangely. “Why whenever you take us to find one of the Five you never take us directly to them?” Rev asks me. “I am not sure to be honest. When I sent you to James where did it take you?” I ask her. “Right to him. I wonder if their orb protects them? Either that or you don't know how to work that thing."  Rev says as she turns to look at me. "I’m not the inventor of it. So, there is a very good possibility I am not using it correctly. All that aside we need to find West." I walk out of the center off to the side. "Is he in his house?" Rev asks me. "I would think so. West has a home that no one is allowed in without him. When it isn't his year he locks it down." Rev looks around. "Well, where is it?" I point for her to follow me.   

                We get up to the end of the street. "We should take the tunnels." Rev says to me as she points to the sewer lines under us. "Okay, let’s go." We walk over to the man hole and Rev lifts it with no problem. "Glad they still have sewer lines." She laughs as she jumps in. I take the ladder that's on the side. We start heading down the tunnel using the orb to guide us. “So, you never really told me how things went with James...” Rev’s still silent, but her silence seems to fill the dark tunnels. “Ava… life since I met you has been crazy. So, saying good bye to James was just strange. Thinking that I was going back to my life in the Bronx without ever seeing him again… It didn’t matter what we said after that realization.”  Rev says then she starts to walk again.  The orb light beams light to show us we are here. “How do we get in?” I look around and there is no way up. Rev laughs. “Saying good bye wasn’t my only reason for visiting James. I needed some answers about West. Like how he sealed all the ways from the tunnels into his house. Expect for the trick door.” Rev walks over to a brick. She pulls a brick out and the wall moves in. She smiles at me. Well this makes sense now. She wouldn’t just go to say good bye. She got information from James, since he was very trusted by West.  We walk in a dark hall way and the orb lights it up. “I wish you wouldn’t do that.” Rev says looking at the orb. “I can’t help it. I just thought it was dark and the orb lit up. But if you want to wonder around in the dark I can just put it away.” I tell her. “No, I just don’t trust that thing.”  I don’t understand why Rev keeps referring to the orb like that. I look down at the light, I guess the orb is alive. I’m really unsure about that however. “Are you coming? We are almost to the stairs that will lead us up.” Rev says as she keeps walking ahead of me. “What if he is waiting for us up there?” I don’t know why I am more scared of West then I am any of the other Five. I have always been afraid of West even as a girl. I remember when he came to our school to see how all of our testing and gardens were coming along. He wasn’t a tall man like Charles. He had larger muscles then any man in my side of Timetopia that he hid so well under his suit. I still remember having to meet him. I had the greenest garden. The way he walked into the room felt threatening. I was only 9 years old at the time. I wonder if he remembers meeting me or how when he spoke to me that day I couldn’t say a thing. I still remember his voice. “How did you get your garden to grow so big?” West asked me as he pointed outside to my section of my class garden. I stood there completely speechless. He laughed at my frozen demeanor assuming I was as he called it, “star stuck”. I wonder what he will think now when he sees me and Rev. We finally get to the stairs. Well, ready or not we are going to face West.