Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Poem: I wouldn't do it over again.

This wish my one wish is that we never had our first kiss.
That i would never  felt love's bliss.
So i could of gone on heartless.
Instead i now know what to miss.

Every day goes by and i try to pull my heart back together again.
However there is a huge piece missing. 
It was gone almost all my life. 
That was til the day you walked in.

I had never felt more like myself then when i was in your arms.
I knew i would lose.
That just how stories and poems begin.

I hear all the time i was meant for more.
Greater thing are meant to come my way.
But no one truly understand.

I didn't want more or greater.
I just wanted to be loved for who i am.
I just wanted you.

The man who made me take adventure,
You saw past all my walls.
But you were not my soulmate.
Just another lost soul instead.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Random Short story: The tree lights Part 2

     Agatha climbs out her window to go with Alisha to the trees. "Did you have the dream to?" Agatha asks Alisha. "Yes after you go once the trees let you know when the door is going to open again." She doesn't understand but just know she want that feeling again. She see even more kids at the trees then last time, but some of these kids have back packs. "What are the back pack for?" Agatha asks Alisha One of them smiles. "We aren't coming back. The trees sent us a dream saying we could stay not just visit." What about there families and lives. I see the trees starting to light up. The doors up to them and once again Agatha is wrapped in a feeling of peace. Her and Alisha hold hand so they won't get separated. Alisha runs out into the middle of the dance floor and Agatha feel so overwhelmed with love. She starts to close her eyes and feels like she like she is being lifted into the air. "Agatha NO!" She hears in her grandma;a voice. she opens her eyes and realizes she has lost Alisha.  Agatha takes a breath breath and starts to feel peaceful again. "Agatha Fight it!" She hears again.
     Agatha looks around and sees a door off to the side. Agatha heads to the door, she looks around and its like no one else can see the door. She opens it to a white room. She walks in and the door closes behind her.  Agatha no longer feels peace in this room. She feels weak and sad. She closes her eyes to try and move past the pain. "Agatha its okay." She hears again in her grandma's voice. Agatha opens her eyes to see her grandma in front of her. "How is this happening?" her grandma tilts her head. "Well that is easy and hard to explain. Your near death would be the best way to explain it darling." Agatha's face went blank. How could see be near death? "I don't understand. I feel fine."  Agatha grandma shacks her head. "No they are feeding on you. Your not even really in this room. but they cant feed on you if you want to go home. Its the adrenal gland when your happy it lets out something that they need. So as long as your happy and this your having fun they can feed. but the second you want to go home they eject you back down to earth." Back to earth? I start to panic where am i really? "Don't panic Agatha, you are to close to death. You need to start to want to go home. look for the door way out and Agatha don't come back. Keep all the other kids away from here." I don't want to go home. I want to stay with my grandma. "What if i stay. Can i stay here with you?" She shook her head. "No they will feed on you until you die. Its not your time to die darling, i know you're sad right now but you need to grow old yourself, i lived a long life." Agatha starts to get tears in her eyes. She knew this was the last time she would ever see her grandma. Out of no were the door is back. Agatha wants to go home. 
     Agatha is back at the bottom of the lit up trees. She runs home to tell her family everything. She wasn't sure who was feeding on the kids. She told her parents everything and they told the authorities But when Agatha took them back to the trees they were gone the door had closed. She waited thinking the door would open again but it never did. And with the door disappearing so did Alisha. Agatha thinks Alisha made the choice to never come back but she will never know. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Random Short Story: The tree lights Part 1

     "This way! come Agatha." Agatha followed her friends into the forest. "Where is this party at?" Agatha asks as she is trying to keep up. Her friends just laugh at her. Agatha grabbed her best friend Alisha "Where is this party at? this doesnt look very safe." Agatha and Alisha have been friends all their lives. Agatha was always much more reserved and Alisha was always on to the next adventure. "You remember when my mom and dad couldn't fine me for those 48 hours? Well this is where i was at this party. It never stops, it's just the door to get in only opens at pacific times." Agatha looks really confused. Why would this door open at pacific time? Agatha texts her mom that she was going to be staying at Alisha house just incase they didn't make it back in time. Agatha's friends run up to these three trees that were all lit up. These were the prettiest lights she had ever seen. Alisha and all of Agatha friends ran to the middle between the three trees. "Come on Agatha. Stop being scared, your going to miss it." Alisha yelled at Agatha. Agatha ran next to her friends. That when the lights from the trees became so bright Agatha had to close her eyes. When she opened them she was no longer in the forest.
    Agatha was in a room of light with a lot of other kids around her age. There was music pumping through the air. No one was saying a word to each other just dancing. Alisha grab Agatha and rushed to the middle of all the people to dance. There was a feeling in the air, Agatha didn't know how to explain it. Ever since Agatha lost her grandmother she has had a huge hole in her life. She had been so sad for so long she forgot what is was like to smile. But at this party she felt free. Alisha seem to disappear and Agatha noticed that she didn't see any of her friends. She started to head back to the lit up trees. She finally gets to the center and the lights once again got so bright she had to close her eyes. She is now back in the forest but it's daylight out. She thought she had only been at the party for a hour or so. Agatha runs to Alisha's house to see if she was there. As Agatha gets to Alisha's house she walk up to her bedroom window and finds her fast asleep. She starts to knock. Alisha eyes widen when she see Agatha. "Did you just come out of the lights?" She nod yes. "Can you just say i stood the night here? And why did you leave me in there, i was looking for you and couldn't find you so i came out and here you are in bed." Agatha tells Alisha. "I'm not sure what it is in there but time moves differently. When i turned i didn't see you i figured i needed to come back. Its when you lose everyone you came with, you tend to lose your self and time i have noticed. Agatha you have been gone for a week." Agatha shook her head and ran home. When she walked in here front door, her mother gives her a hug and before grilling her about where she has been. She made up a story about meet other kids and following them to rock shows. Needless to say she was grounded for life.
    Most things in Agatha life went back to normal. She would lay in her grandma's room almost every other night. Agatha missed her greatly. Alisha and Agatha didn't  talk about that night, months went by but Agatha missed the feeling of happiness. Agatha was laying in bed after finishing her homework. She starts to go to sleep and she starts to dream about the trees, they are starting to light up she wakes from her dream. Alisha is knocking on her window. Agatha opens her window. "The door is about to open. Are you coming?" Agatha looks at Alisha for a second. She is deciding is she going?

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Series Wednesday: Timetopia Page 20

                The past few days have gone by like a blur. I have learned more about guns then I ever thought I would. I now know how to take them apart and put them together. I have also learned how to build a camera jammer as Rev calls it. I have shot still and moving targets. I wake up at dawn and go to sleep well past dark. I am so tired. Rev says this is like a crash course boot camp. Not that I know what boot camp even is.  Rev is also showing me how to fight. How to block an attacker like she did the day the wellness checkers cornered us. Rev says in two days we are going to be okay to leave. James is giving us a lot of guns to leave with and ammo which happens to be really important to guns. The things I never knew until now... I am finally in my bed resting, all is silent in the house it is so nice. I am starting to doze off, until I hear a faint alarm go off. I grab my shoes and run out into the living room. Rev is already there talking to James. “What is that?” Rev asks. “Someone has crossed the first perimeter check.” James is now running down stairs to the screen. We follow James. “How far is the first perimeter check?” Rev asks “5miles. That’s why the alarm is low. It could be campers, but let’s check just to be safe.” James turns the screen on. There is an alert from Ron’s room. “What’s that?” I ask. “I’m not sure. Let me check.” James opens it. There is Ron tied to a chair by a manager. “Where is the girl you helped sneak out of the festival?” The manager asks Ron. “What girl? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The manager doesn’t like his answer. “Okay, let’s see if this helps jog your memory.” All I hear is the pop noise but now I know what that is. They shot Ron in the leg. I hear him scream so clear across the screens. How could they do this? Rev is looking at the other screen with James. “Its ATVs, that’s what set off the perimeter and they are moving fast.” Rev tells me. But I can’t stop watching the screen with Ron’s room on it. “We know you helped the girls out of the festival and lead them to the woods. But why? What’s out there?” The managers know we are out here, but not where or why. This is good. I look and Rev seems to have caught on to that too. “They are blindly searching the woods. This is a great thing, they could pass right by us.” I tell Rev and James. “They might, but I don’t think they will. This is a pretty big house.” Rev explains. A louder alarm goes off. “2.5miles” James says. Rev grabs a long gun she calls a sniper rifle. Neither I nor James knows what that is. “Ava hide in here. James we are going to have to defend your home.”
                James is searching the screens for something but I’m not sure what. “HELLO! Did you hear me?!” Rev yells. James keeps typing in codes. “I hear you but we might not have to fight. It all depends on who switched in.” He is searching the headlines. “Why does that matter?” Rev asks. “Some of The Five work with me, and some throw me in a room and lock the door for a year. I have almost been erased like 5 times but 3 of them want me alive so it won’t let that happen. I have this house for the years I am not wanted.” The screen flashes with Erick’s picture across it. “YES! We don’t have to fight. I will surrender myself and they will take me to Erick. He will let me go. Then you guys can get away. I should be back in 2days tops. You can’t leave without me letting you out. So just hang tight.” James smiles as he runs back upstairs. “What are we going to do?” I ask Rev. “I say we hang tight. Just for two days. When James comes back we can go.” I look at Rev. “Are you sure?” She looks at the screen. “Yes. Look at how many there are. We can’t take them all, even with the guns. James will throw them off. It’s not like they can get in here, this place is a fortress.” Rev has a good point… I just fear James won’t come back.

I look back at the screen to Ron’s room, it’s been silent. I see Ron sitting in his chair with a hole in his head. The blood is dripping down his face. “He wasn’t going to tell us anything. She must have something on him.” One manager says to the other. “What is so special about this girl anyway?” they must be talking about Rev. “Not sure. I just know if we get her away from Rev she will be helpless and that’s when we capture her and turn her over.” The other manager nods and they leave Ron’s room. They were talking about me… I drop to the floor and cry. He was just trying to help us. He lost his life because of me. People are dying because they want me.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Good bye circus

     This weekend i got to see one of the last shows of Barnum & Bailey Circus. They are shutting down due to a drop in attendance. I grew up going to the circus being amazed by all the colors and performances. Although the circus didn't have the same magic that it did when i was a kid. I still really enjoyed its simplicity. I enjoyed the colors and the way the performers try to get the kids to believe what they were saying was true. I don't think  its fair the kids in the future will miss out on this simple escapes from the day to day of a sad real world they are forced to grow up in. I have noticed all the things i loved as a kid are slowly fading away. Kids now a day glued to there tablet and spending more time on games than with their parents. I see people out here with the newest "things" but never with their kids or taking their kids to do child's play. Our children are the most important part of us and out future. But this is just my thoughts. Thanks as always for reading. Don't forget to follow along, Hit that follow button.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Yay it my birthday weekend!!!

Hi Everyone. 
Just thought i would do a little check in. So as you can tell by the title its my birthday weekend. I am so excite to be able to spend with birthday weekend with my mom. She is coming all the way from cali to spend time with me. So i am not sure if anyone else does this but on my birthday every year since i was a child i reflect on my year. I don't do this on new years like most. To me a birthday is the beginning of a new year. So I think of all the bad things i over came the year before and all the great things that i now have in my life. I also think about all the things i am unhappy with in my life and make a plan to change it. This last year has really been a journey some of it was bad most was exciting. I moved across the cost and started this blog. i have over come a lot of fears and truly gotten to see my own strength as a person. A year and a half ago i was in a bad place and see how far i have come has made me so happy.  I want to thank you all who come and read my writing every time I post. i have a lot in store for this year. Thank as always for reading and please be sure to hit that follow button so you don't miss a thing.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Series Wednesday: Timetopia Page 19

                I start to walk back upstairs. I see Rev is still sitting at the table eating, so I motion for her to follow me back to my room. She gets up and follows me. I sit on my bed and look at her for a long time. “What is it? Are you okay?” Rev asks as she slowly closes the door behind us. “How do I know I can trust you?” I ask her hoping this time for a real answer. She sits down. “You don’t ever really know if you can trust anyone. Either you just feel it or you don’t.” She sits across the bed from me. Her answer doesn’t help me. “Charles asked about you. He asked how you got here and what I knew about you.” She looks down, smiles, and laughs. “I know you didn’t tell him anything. So why don’t you tell me what this is really about? Did he make you wonder where I am from and all about me? I told you where I am from. And the about me part, like anything, takes time.” She is right I know she is, but since the day at the museum everyone has been chasing us. Why? “How did you know I didn’t tell him everything you told me?” she laughed again at me. “I just do. I guess I trust you.” Rev seems so calm by all this. This wasn’t what I was expecting. “Rev, you know a lot that you aren’t telling me. So how much can you really trust me if you won’t even tell me the truth?” She looks around the room and she sighs. “You think I know way more then I actually do... I’m not from Timetopia, so why would you assume I know everything that is happening here or why you are so special? I just know what I was told. So I really can’t answer what I don’t know.”  I feel a little bad. Rev has been honest with me. Why did I assume she knew why they want me? She isn’t from here. How do I know if they even know why they want us… I take the watch off and give it to her. “Charles gave this to me. If I press the center it will tell him where I am at.” Rev laughs as she looks at the watch. “I know what it does and when you got it. I was just waiting for you to tell me what it was.” My mouth drops. She knew?! “How did you know?” She smiles. “Let’s just say I used to have one back in the Bronx.”

                “I feel so much better with you knowing everything.” Rev says to me as she hugs me. “Honestly, you’re all I have here in Timetopia. Well at least until we get to your grandma’s and she answers some questions for the both of us. We have to stick together. Understood?” I nod yes but there is one more thing. “What are we going to do with the watch? Why was Charles so interested in you?” Rev looks at the watch and she does that thing with her face where she shifts her lips all the way to the side. “Why don’t you keep the watch. You never know if we might need it. He’s probably just curious of how I got here.” This returns to the question, how did she get here? “Well? How did you get here?”  She is doing the lip thing again. “That’s not that hard of a story to tell I suppose. I was in the Bronx minding my own business in let’s say… in an ugly place. Your mom came to find me, and told me that Richard was hiding out here in Timetopia and that I could get revenge. All I had to do was get you to your grandma’s. Seemed like a fair trade, so I said yes and the rest is history.” So my mom found her. But why did she go looking for her in the first place? When did she go looking for her? “Where were you at Rev? What does an ugly place mean?” She sighs again, “This isn’t a thing I don’t want to tell you, it’s just one of those things you won’t understand even if I do tell you.” Now I find myself sighing because I just want to know. “Please try.” I ask her. “Fine, well I told you Richard stole secrets from me that I had kind of borrowed from my bosses at the CIA. Well, once the information was sold and used against us, they punished me. They sent me to a black hole for lack of a better term. It was a place of torture. So yeah, that should answer that.”  Rev gets up and looks out the window. Her body language completely changed. I am not sure what to say to her to make her feel better. I can’t understand how any secret being kept is worth hurting someone over. I want to ask what they did to her, but I feel as if that isn’t my business. Rev is just always so strong and has so much attitude, it’s hard picturing anyone being able to hurt her. I take a deep breath getting ready to say something. But nothing comes out of my mouth. I realize that there is nothing to say at all but this. “Then we will definitely make Richard pay for what he did.” She turns and looks at me. “No. I will. You will make it to your grandma’s safe and sound. Richard isn’t your fight. He is my fight and that’s how it needs to stay. I hope you can understand that.” I nod yes even though I don’t understand at all. James starts to knock at the door so I get up and open the door. “So are you ready to learn all about guns?” 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Poem: Missing the most important emotion

I feel the wind on my skin. 
I can feel the suns warmth. 
I hear the kids playing
and when i open my eyes i even see them. 

I can see, hear, touch, taste and smell. 
but yet i can not feel
I hear the word i love you
and flat they fall.
The word lifeless on my tongue.

I have become nothing a zombie
lifeless and with out shine.
I cant feel anything not even sadness.
It just a numb sensation.

She had warned me about this. 
About a day even crying i would miss.
She said i am not dead.
But the walls around my heart.

Blocking any joy.
So might as well mummify me.
For emotionless in life, i am as good as a pen on a boat.
No love and no hope.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Series wednesday: Timetopia page 18

                James runs down the stairs to another biometric lock. There are screens in this room like in the wellness center. How did he get it all of these into his house? He turns on the screens, “What did he say?” I ask hoping he is okay. “He sent a flyer, it is for scientists only. It’s for Rev. Here, look.” He moves the screen towards me and Rev. It’s a picture of Rev, she looks so different. Maybe it’s the smile on her face in the photo that’s different. She sees the photo and is instantly angered by it.  She starts screaming. “I can’t believe this!!! That rat!!!” I look at her as she flips a table over behind us. “Rev what is it?!” She just squats to the floor and lets out a scream. “It’s Richard. He gave them that photo of me. That’s why its grainy and unclear.” James clears his throat. “Have you looked at what it says? It says to bring you back to the questions hall. It only has your first name which is strange… and that you’re dangerous and can only be handled by a manger.” I walk over to the screen to look at the notes on the bottom of the picture. It says that if you’re found, not to engage unless certain you can take her down. To take her back to a questions hall of testing. She might be carrying a virus to hurt people.  Everything on here was a lie. I keep reading. “This is crap!!! This is Richard I know it!!!” Rev is still screaming. “Who is Richard?” James asks. “He was my husband.” James’ face shifts. “Did he die?” James asks.  “No, he just ran like chicken. He is hiding here in Timetopia. He is helping them chase me.” I’m not sure if Richard is helping them or if they’re after her because of all the people she has killed since she has been here.

                “Hiding here? In Timetopia? How is that even possible?” Rev rolls her eyes at James. “It just is okay? I’m done talking about this. Ava we need to go get a car and get out of here.” I nod yes. “No, you can’t. Look, since this flyer is only for the people in this town in Timetopia, they definitely know you’re still here. But they think you are alone. If you surface now, they will be ready for you. Look at the flyer. It says managers only, which is convenient since they are the only ones that can carry guns.” He seems to have a point, and by the look on Rev’s face… I think she knows it too. “Well, what other options do we have?” Rev asks. “Stay here for a few days, get rest, eat, and maybe train her on how to use a gun. I can help prepare you two. If they are sending out flyers, they mean business.” says James. I don’t want to learn how to use a gun. But staying in one place in a bed sounds nice. I look at Rev and she is thinking about it, I can tell. “I think it’s the best I idea. We can’t get caught. We have someone waiting for us.” I wonder who she is talking about. I don’t want to ask in front of James, because I know if I do she won’t answer. I look back at the screens, they are watching people. “Can you see anyone you want?” I ask James. “Yes I can. Why?” I could see my dad again. “Can I use it to see my dad?” James smiles and moves out of the way for me to use the screens.  I start to type in codes for my dad’s house, I mean my house. My home.  I start to pull it up on the screen and there is a family in our home. They must have moved him to a single room. No wife, no child, he is like a widower. So he will be in a new place. How will I find him??? Okay think Ava. I could use his tracker, but I would need access to the questions hall. The switch happened last night. So my dad would be at work… I know exactly where he is. I pull up his work and find his office on the screen. There is my dad fast at work behind his desk. “Does this have a mic?” I ask James. “Yes, it has a mic. You can talk and look at whoever you want, but you can only do it for a little bit, it won’t trace back to here but they might figure out you’re on their server and kick you out. If that happens, we will be blind out here.” I nod yes to show that I understand what he is telling me. James and Rev walk back upstairs. I take over the screen in my dad’s office. I put words on it first telling him to close his door. He sees it instantly, walks over and closes the door so no one can see or hear into his office. “Dad.” My dad’s eyes fill with tears. “Ava, you can’t keep doing this. They will catch you this way. They moved me into the houses next to the managers. They knew that you would try to talk to me, they are just waiting.” I can hear the fear in my father’s voice. “I’m sorry dad but I needed to know you were okay. Especially after I found out what the switch festival really is. Dad they test on us.” My dad’s head goes down. “I know they do. This is why your mom got you out last year by slipping tonic into your first drink. It’s why you got so sick so fast, but we had to protect you.” Well that answers that question. “Dad who am I? Why did you have to protect me? Why am I missing my tracker?” My dad takes a deep breath in. “How far are you from your grandmas?” That doesn’t answer my questions. “I’m not sure. Why won’t anyone answer my questions?”  I hear noises on my dad’s end. “Someone is coming. Listen, who you are is my daughter and I love you. Trust no one but Rev. Now disconnect Ava!!!” I see them break down the door at his office. They are dragging him out. I disconnect before they can do it for me. My dad says to trust Rev and so did my mom. I wonder if they know who she is and where she is from. I look at the watch Charles gave me. Maybe I should tell her about it. Maybe I should need to learn how to use a gun. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

January is upon us

My Birthday month is here!!! Yup that's right i am an Aquarius. So I hope everyone is enjoying the new year. This was my first year away from my family. I felt a little sad by that. How ever I am excited to see what 2017 brings me. I have a lot of surprises in story for my readers.  I was so shocked last year how good Timetopia has been doing and can't wait to make it even bigger this year. i hope every one is ready for some shocks and answers. As always thanks for reading. 

Friday, January 6, 2017

Poem: My mother plan for me

As the sun dimmed on my most unhappy day.
I felt as if i lost my mind in the fray.
I watch as my mother life unraveled.
Everything she thought she could count on was as good as gravel.

She thought i couldn't hear her cries at night.
Didn't want to frighten me with her own fight.
Her daemons never to far from our front door.
But some how no matter the odds my mom seemed to soar.

She has always inspired for me to chase my dream.
but unlucky for her i was more like him then i seemed.
For years she tried to push me in any direction. 
But a fight it was just for me to always be stuck at a intersection.

Until the day she found my deepest inflection.
I was a words smith much like my father.
Only mine were not to charm but to understand.
I wrote much of what i saw the good and the bad. 

For the first time in a long time she saw hope.
There was something to help me float.
I wouldn't drown in a sea of unfilled dreams.
I had a chance at a life all my own.

The hope in her eyes made me want to cry.
For I hadn't seen that look from her in such a long time.
The day my dad made her cry was the last time i thought i would see that passion in her eyes.

I always knew she loved me more then any pain he could cause,
That was until i did to her the same.
i lied and hid my life in fear she would not look at me.
But i forgot the golden rule i was and always am her kid.
So her love for me is infinite.
and i needed never to fear.

Her only dream was for me.
I was just to young, dumb and blind to see.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Series Wednesday: Timetopia page 17

                I wake up and smell food. I smell some kind of meat, so I get up and follow the smell down the hall way. There are pancakes and eggs with some kind of strips. Rev is already sitting at the table eating with the shotgun next to her. “What are these?” I hold up the strips to her. “It’s bacon!” She says so exact.  “Okay. Rev what’s a cement jungle?” I ask as I shove the bacon into my mouth. “It’s another way to say metropolis.” The man says as he puts down a plate with more bacon on it. Rev grabs the shotgun, kicking him in the chest, he quickly hits the ground, then points the shotgun in his face. “How do you know what a metropolis is? Are you a time traveler?” Rev asks as she holds the gun steady to his face. How could he be a time traveler? There are only 5. “I have read about them in books. The Five have a library of books they brought with them from their time. One of them talks about metropolis and cement jungles.” Rev takes a deep breath. Books from the Fives’ time… how strange. I wonder what they say. Rev still isn’t letting him up. “Who are you? What is your name and why do you have no barcode?” Rev is asking so slowly as if he can’t understand her. “They renamed me James. The barcode thing is a little bit of a story I would be glad to share with you if you let me off the floor.” Rev looks him up and down. “Let him up. Rev, he isn’t going to hurt us or he would’ve done it when we were asleep.” Rev doesn’t seem to like my comment. But she lets him up.
                “So get to talking. How come you have no barcode?” Rev asks as she cuts into her pancakes. “I was really sick as a baby. The doctors told my mom I would never make it through the night, so they didn’t bother barcoding me. They didn’t want to waste a chip on a baby that had no chance of living. As you can see, I did live. By the time they realized I was going to live, my skull had hardened which made it nearly impossible for them to shove the tracker into it without severely injuring me. After that, they made the law that all babies get the barcode even if they are sick.” I look at him. “What do you mean renamed you?” I ask because that is against the law to change your name. “Charles renamed me after I started working for the Five.  I was George before they renamed me James.” I look at him and Rev rolls her eyes. “Why James?” I asked, “James Bond, he’s a fictional charter who could do anything.” Rev answers. “Yes that’s exactly why. He worked for the government and was always called on to do top secret missions. How do you know about him?” He asks Rev. “Most people don’t know this, but it’s a book and it was my favorite as a little girl.” James’ eyes sharpen on Rev. “How did you read it? It is in a secret stash of stuff the Five brought with them from their time.”  Rev leans towards him. “I don’t have to tell you anything.” She leans back and smiles. I am still wondering about the guns. “How did you start making guns?” I ask him. “West had me make them. He showed me how. It started during his year when I was 15. He had me make them for the higher up managers. He is also the one who showed me how to build the biometric lock.”

                “Who is West?” Rev asks. I can’t help but look at James’ face as she asks. He looks shocked. “West is the tech guy out of The Five.” James responds, and Rev just shrugs at him. “How is it that neither of you have barcodes?” James asks. “I am not from Timetopia. It’s that simple for me.” Rev answers like that is a simple answer at all. She just keeps eating. “I am not sure about me. It seems like they just forgot about me or something.” James looks down. “How are you not from Timetopia? That isn’t possible.” James gets up and walks to the other room and returns with a globe. He points at it. “All the land is Timetopia, so how are you not from Timetopia?” I have never seen a globe up close before. Maybe Rev will answer him. “Like I said, I’m not from Timetopia and it’s as simple as that.” She slowly lifts up the shotgun and puts it on the table. I see James’ eyes widen. “Are you one of the underground children? I heard about you, but I thought you were all erased.”  Rev shrugs. “What is the underground children?” I ask. Does this mean Rev is from Timetopia? “It was back before all the technology when the Five first went back and some hid their children. They were called the underground children. The Five were said to have erased all of them but if one got through… I wonder why or who is was watching over you?” Rev still has the shotgun in hand. We hear a loud beep. “What’s that?” I ask. “It’s an emergency message from Ron.”