Monday, January 30, 2017

Random Short story: The tree lights Part 2

     Agatha climbs out her window to go with Alisha to the trees. "Did you have the dream to?" Agatha asks Alisha. "Yes after you go once the trees let you know when the door is going to open again." She doesn't understand but just know she want that feeling again. She see even more kids at the trees then last time, but some of these kids have back packs. "What are the back pack for?" Agatha asks Alisha One of them smiles. "We aren't coming back. The trees sent us a dream saying we could stay not just visit." What about there families and lives. I see the trees starting to light up. The doors up to them and once again Agatha is wrapped in a feeling of peace. Her and Alisha hold hand so they won't get separated. Alisha runs out into the middle of the dance floor and Agatha feel so overwhelmed with love. She starts to close her eyes and feels like she like she is being lifted into the air. "Agatha NO!" She hears in her grandma;a voice. she opens her eyes and realizes she has lost Alisha.  Agatha takes a breath breath and starts to feel peaceful again. "Agatha Fight it!" She hears again.
     Agatha looks around and sees a door off to the side. Agatha heads to the door, she looks around and its like no one else can see the door. She opens it to a white room. She walks in and the door closes behind her.  Agatha no longer feels peace in this room. She feels weak and sad. She closes her eyes to try and move past the pain. "Agatha its okay." She hears again in her grandma's voice. Agatha opens her eyes to see her grandma in front of her. "How is this happening?" her grandma tilts her head. "Well that is easy and hard to explain. Your near death would be the best way to explain it darling." Agatha's face went blank. How could see be near death? "I don't understand. I feel fine."  Agatha grandma shacks her head. "No they are feeding on you. Your not even really in this room. but they cant feed on you if you want to go home. Its the adrenal gland when your happy it lets out something that they need. So as long as your happy and this your having fun they can feed. but the second you want to go home they eject you back down to earth." Back to earth? I start to panic where am i really? "Don't panic Agatha, you are to close to death. You need to start to want to go home. look for the door way out and Agatha don't come back. Keep all the other kids away from here." I don't want to go home. I want to stay with my grandma. "What if i stay. Can i stay here with you?" She shook her head. "No they will feed on you until you die. Its not your time to die darling, i know you're sad right now but you need to grow old yourself, i lived a long life." Agatha starts to get tears in her eyes. She knew this was the last time she would ever see her grandma. Out of no were the door is back. Agatha wants to go home. 
     Agatha is back at the bottom of the lit up trees. She runs home to tell her family everything. She wasn't sure who was feeding on the kids. She told her parents everything and they told the authorities But when Agatha took them back to the trees they were gone the door had closed. She waited thinking the door would open again but it never did. And with the door disappearing so did Alisha. Agatha thinks Alisha made the choice to never come back but she will never know. 

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