Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Series Wednesday: Timetopia Page 19

                I start to walk back upstairs. I see Rev is still sitting at the table eating, so I motion for her to follow me back to my room. She gets up and follows me. I sit on my bed and look at her for a long time. “What is it? Are you okay?” Rev asks as she slowly closes the door behind us. “How do I know I can trust you?” I ask her hoping this time for a real answer. She sits down. “You don’t ever really know if you can trust anyone. Either you just feel it or you don’t.” She sits across the bed from me. Her answer doesn’t help me. “Charles asked about you. He asked how you got here and what I knew about you.” She looks down, smiles, and laughs. “I know you didn’t tell him anything. So why don’t you tell me what this is really about? Did he make you wonder where I am from and all about me? I told you where I am from. And the about me part, like anything, takes time.” She is right I know she is, but since the day at the museum everyone has been chasing us. Why? “How did you know I didn’t tell him everything you told me?” she laughed again at me. “I just do. I guess I trust you.” Rev seems so calm by all this. This wasn’t what I was expecting. “Rev, you know a lot that you aren’t telling me. So how much can you really trust me if you won’t even tell me the truth?” She looks around the room and she sighs. “You think I know way more then I actually do... I’m not from Timetopia, so why would you assume I know everything that is happening here or why you are so special? I just know what I was told. So I really can’t answer what I don’t know.”  I feel a little bad. Rev has been honest with me. Why did I assume she knew why they want me? She isn’t from here. How do I know if they even know why they want us… I take the watch off and give it to her. “Charles gave this to me. If I press the center it will tell him where I am at.” Rev laughs as she looks at the watch. “I know what it does and when you got it. I was just waiting for you to tell me what it was.” My mouth drops. She knew?! “How did you know?” She smiles. “Let’s just say I used to have one back in the Bronx.”

                “I feel so much better with you knowing everything.” Rev says to me as she hugs me. “Honestly, you’re all I have here in Timetopia. Well at least until we get to your grandma’s and she answers some questions for the both of us. We have to stick together. Understood?” I nod yes but there is one more thing. “What are we going to do with the watch? Why was Charles so interested in you?” Rev looks at the watch and she does that thing with her face where she shifts her lips all the way to the side. “Why don’t you keep the watch. You never know if we might need it. He’s probably just curious of how I got here.” This returns to the question, how did she get here? “Well? How did you get here?”  She is doing the lip thing again. “That’s not that hard of a story to tell I suppose. I was in the Bronx minding my own business in let’s say… in an ugly place. Your mom came to find me, and told me that Richard was hiding out here in Timetopia and that I could get revenge. All I had to do was get you to your grandma’s. Seemed like a fair trade, so I said yes and the rest is history.” So my mom found her. But why did she go looking for her in the first place? When did she go looking for her? “Where were you at Rev? What does an ugly place mean?” She sighs again, “This isn’t a thing I don’t want to tell you, it’s just one of those things you won’t understand even if I do tell you.” Now I find myself sighing because I just want to know. “Please try.” I ask her. “Fine, well I told you Richard stole secrets from me that I had kind of borrowed from my bosses at the CIA. Well, once the information was sold and used against us, they punished me. They sent me to a black hole for lack of a better term. It was a place of torture. So yeah, that should answer that.”  Rev gets up and looks out the window. Her body language completely changed. I am not sure what to say to her to make her feel better. I can’t understand how any secret being kept is worth hurting someone over. I want to ask what they did to her, but I feel as if that isn’t my business. Rev is just always so strong and has so much attitude, it’s hard picturing anyone being able to hurt her. I take a deep breath getting ready to say something. But nothing comes out of my mouth. I realize that there is nothing to say at all but this. “Then we will definitely make Richard pay for what he did.” She turns and looks at me. “No. I will. You will make it to your grandma’s safe and sound. Richard isn’t your fight. He is my fight and that’s how it needs to stay. I hope you can understand that.” I nod yes even though I don’t understand at all. James starts to knock at the door so I get up and open the door. “So are you ready to learn all about guns?” 

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