Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Series Wednesday: Timetopia page 9

With the motorbikes fast approaching I can’t help but wonder if they also have metal handles. I mean if they have guns. “Do you know how to drive?” Rev asks me. “Yes, I kind of know how to drive.” She smiles. “Take the wheel!” she yells as she jumps out of the driver seat. I can’t believe she just jumped out like that. I jump in the seat. Which is the gas pedal again? Why didn’t I listen to my dad as he was trying to teach me? Okay Ava you got this. Gas is the right pedal and the left must be the brake. I hear Rev messing with some kind of liquid behind me. I see the wellness checkers right behind us in my mirror. “Rev they are catching up with us fast!” I yell back at her. “Like on our bumper?” Rev replies. “No they haven’t jumped on the van yet. But they are going to catch up in… I would say a few seconds. They are probably going to use the blue stop on the van soon.” I push down on the gas pedal to go faster. “What is the blue stop??? And please explain in 10 seconds or less.” She is still moving around back there. “The blue stop is the blue ball they throw at your car and it shorts out your electric system and your car stops.” She sighs. “Okay then. That’s pretty self-explanatory. Do you know what a cocktail bomb is?”  I look back and she holding a glass bottle with a rag in it. She starts laughing and opens the back door.  The wellness checkers are right behind us and she lights the rag on fire. She has a big scary smile on her face. She throws it out in the open and it hits one of the wellness checkers. He instantly catches on fire. The other wellness checker tries to throw the blue stop at us. “Don’t touch it with your hand!” I yell at Rev as I hear him throw the blue stop. “What the…Okay won’t touch it!” I look back and see Rev catching the blue stop with her sweater. “Got it!” she yells. “Good to know! What now?” She laughs. “Don’t worry I got this!” I look back at her. She smiles at me and jumps out of the van on to the wellness checker. I hit the left pedal as hard I can. The van comes to an abrupt stop and I jump out. Both of them are on the side of the road. Rev is up before the wellness checker, it’s almost like she is indestructible. I run over to her.  The wellness checker is trying to get up, Rev walks over to him and kicks his helmet off him. I run up and grab her before she rips his head off. “Rev stop he is down.” Rev pulls away from me. “We need to find out how he knew where we were. If you can’t take this don’t look.” She walks over to him and I turn my back to her, I don’t want to see him get hurt. Why does it has to be this way?

“Stop!” Rev is half on him and has her knee on his chest. He isn’t talking. “Please let me try.” I ask her. “Fine, you try it. Be my guest.” How could I be her guest? I’ll let that one go. “Hi. I’m Ava. What’s your name?” He looks at me and then at Rev. “You better answer her or I get you.” She motions forward at him. “I’m Derek.” I smile. “Hi Derek, might I ask why are you following us?” He sits up. “Sure. I am following you under the orders of a head question master. There seems to have been a question taken from the question box before the fire. The question needs to be returned with the person that took it.” I look at Rev, I’m almost certain neither of us took a question. “We don’t have a question. We never took a question from the questions box. How did you know to follow the Van?” He pulls something out of his pocket. It’s a picture of our van. “The head questions master gave me this. Then pointed us in this direction.” Rev grabs the photo out of his hand. “They lied to you.” He looks lost. Rev doesn’t understand that we are taught as kids to never to lie. “Why would they lie to me?” Derek seems lost by Rev’s comment. “Because they don’t want to tell you the truth. Why else would someone lie?” He sits there with a disconcerting look. “How do I know you’re not lying to me?” Derek asks Rev, he has a point there. “Why would I lie to you I’m not planning on letting you live.” Me and Derek both look at Rev. What does she mean? She walks back to the van. “Look, just come back with me. If you didn’t steal the question it will all be cleared up.” Derek sounds so hopeful, but after everything I saw I’m not sure if hope is the best thing right now. Rev walks back up with the metal handle. “Do you have one of these?” she shows it to Derek. “No, what is that?” He looks just as confused as me. “You’re telling me you have never seen anything like this?” She already asked if he had seen it.  Why is she asking again? “No I haven’t. It looks like some kind of drill maybe?” she laughs. “No. It’s a weapon.” He looks at me. I’m not sure what this word is either so I shrug at him. “Rev what is a weapon?” She looks at me. “Want to see how it works?” He nods yes. The handle makes the loud pop noise again. Rev covers my eyes right away. “Come on we have to go.” Wait why is she covering my eyes? Why isn’t Derek talking? I pull her hand off of my eyes. There is Derek’s body, completely lifeless. 

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