Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Series Wednesday: Timetopia Page 55

     I am walking down the hall way tapping on the walls. I saw the wall open to let him out. There has to be a way in. Looking at the walls I am not even sure of what I saw anymore. “He is up!” Rev yells I run back down the hall way to her.  Rev starts to kick him. “Tell us where you hid the orb!” He laughs as she kicks him. “Is that all you got?” he asks Rev. “Wow could you be any more mellow dramatic. This is no scene in a movie. I am not afraid to kill you even if it isn’t easy. You don’t know this about me but I am a very hard worker.” Rev walks over to her back pack and pulls out knives. West laughs even louder.  I start thinking since he isn't with the orb maybe my orb can find it. "Wait, let me try something first. Before you start whatever it is you’re going to start doing to him." I say to Rev. She looks down at West and back at me. "Fine if you must. Try whatever it is you think will work." I smile at her. I pull out the orb from my pocket. I focus on the lost orb. I can hear a beeping coming from down the hall way. "How do you have an orb?" West says to me. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Rev says to him. "It’s my mother’s" I tell him. I follow the sound to a piece of the wall. I close my eyes and focus on the orb in my hand. I just keep thinking how I need a door. I hear something open like a door but heavier. I open my eyes and the wall has opened. I walk into the dark room and grab the orb which is lit up. I walk back over to Rev and West. Rev sits him up. "May I ask how and why?" West asks. "No you may not." Rev says. I look at her. "Yes you can" I tell him. "Why do you want the orb? Who is your mom?" I look at him as I sit in front of him. "I am collecting the orbs, because you will abuse the power you are given with them. In the future you enslave Timetopia and I can't allow that to happen." After I'm done talking his face looks the same as Lilly's did. He looks confused and shocked. "Kora is your mother isn't she?" Is his only response. "Yes she is." He puts his head down. "I should have known you look just like her. Can you get my orb to light up without your mom's orb?" He asks me. I grab his orb and I try to get it to light up but nothing happens. "I can't. What was the point to that?" I ask him. "To see if you were my daughter. If nothing happen then it’s pretty clear that you are not mine." He says to me almost sounding sad. "Why would you even think I could be your daughter?" I ask seeing as I haven't given much thought to who my father could be.  "Kora is the wife that I told you about."  West says so gently. I look at Rev who has a shocked look on her face.
                We haven't said anything for a while. We all just sit there. What do I say? "You said I am going to enslave Timetopia. What do you mean by that?" West finally breaking the silence. "Well you, Charles and Lilly turn yourselves into Gods. You make the people worship you." West laughs at what I just told him. "Not saying that I would do that. But Erick would never allow it," Is his response. "You kill him and Kora smarty pants. They try to stand in your guy’s way."  Rev says. He looks at Rev shaking his head no. "I would never kill Erick or Kora. This makes no sense to me. Who told you this?" West seems like he doesn't believe me. "I saw it for myself. Kora took me to the future to see it." West is shaking his head. "How could she take you to the future our orbs have limits." West is starting to sound angry.  "She stole Charles blood and unlocked her limits." I tell him. "Why would she do that?" I shrug. "She wanted to see the future I suppose." West Laughs at me. He starts to try to stand.  Rev kicks his legs down. "Where do you think you’re going?" He looks up at Rev. “To the future. There is no way I have done the things you are accusing me of. All you have to do is take me to the future to see it for myself. If your right I will hand you over my orb with no complaints.” Rev looks at me and looks back at him. “For the smart people who created a time machine you all are very stupid. We have the orb we don’t need your help. So this is where we would say back home you have no legs to stand on.” Rev says. He smiles. “I have a special lock on my orb. Not just blood will unlock it. But go ahead and try if you don’t believe me.”  I look at Rev I believe him but I know she probably doesn’t. She shrugs and then slices his arm with her knife. “Okay then I will try. Thank you.” She says as she scoops up his blood with the knife.  She puts it on the orb. I hold it with my orb and nothing happens. He wasn't lying. "It’s not working." I tell Rev. "Okay so maybe you’re not as big of a liar as you seem. Good for you." She says to him as she smiles. "I have no reason to lie. I just want to see the future. I want to see what you’re telling me. I know myself I would never become a dictator." I look at Rev. "No one said dictator." She tells him. He shrugs. "So are we going to the future then?"  I ask.  Rev nods yes. West gets to his feet. "Well what are we waiting for? Let’s see this horrendous future of mine."  I put his orb in Revs back pack. I hold mine and think of the future.

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