Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Series Wednesday: Timetopia Page 78

                I grab the knife and stab him in the throat. The blood just comes pouring out of him. The girl who screamed was helping me. So I walk over to her and let her out. "Where are the rest?" I ask her. "In their rooms, they have already picked for the night we are the unchosen." I look at the rooms. I can’t do this alone. "Do you think the other girls will help?" She smiles at me. "Yes they will help." She goes and taps on each door and the girls inside crack the door open. "Move" I tell them and walk in the room. I see the teachers sleeping safely in their bed. So I cut each of their throats out. They didn't stand a chance I was too fast. I found the room of the teacher who had been changing Kora's answers. "There is no way in. He doesn't let any girl spend the night in there." The girl tells me. I take off my clothes and tell her to stand back. I part my hair like Kora's. I start to knock on his door. He cracks it open. I say in the most timid voice I can muster. "Your request has been approved," I tell him. He gets a sick smile on his face and he opens the door. I stab him in the leg first. He drops to the floor screaming I know it is only a matter of time before the guards come. The rest of the girls have gotten the other girls off the walls and put clothes on. "Help me." I yell as I start to drag him to the wall. The girls all help as he tries to fight us but all of us working together get him strapped to the wall. "You girls should go before they catch you." I tell the girls. They all run off after thanking me and now it is just me and him. "She is just a little girl. Admit you changed her answers on her test to make her look dumb," I scream at him. I know the cameras are recording. "No that's not true" he says so I slice him in the stomach. "Liars have to pay for their lies." I tell him. He whimpers but I keep cutting him. I am now covered in his blood. "Admit the truth and I’ll stop." He takes a deep breath. "So I changed her answers it doesn't matter, you will get hung for this. Then who will protect her tell me that. Your foolish, I’m not the only one with a bid on her." I look him in the eyes as I sliced his neck open. I feel a sharp pain in my back and see the guard behind me shocking me. I wake up to find myself in a room. This was the day I started my training in how to be a more efficient killer. I made a deal to keep Kora safe by taking these classes. I would go to one during the day and one at night. They would teach me how to withstand torture of all sorts.
                "Get out!" I see Kara in front of me but everything around us is back. I don't know what is happening but there is a teenage Kara standing over me. "How did you get in here??" She asks me. "I am not sure. I think you were showing me your memories and as I was living them I ended up here with you. How old are you?" I ask her. "I'm 17. How did you get into my Orb?" She asks me. How would 17 year old Kara know about the Orb? I know I can't trust adult Kara but can I trust this Kara and where am I? "Where are we?" I ask her. "The hole this is where they put me when I killed the guard who tried to go into Kora's room one night." I look around this doesn’t seem like a hole. I am just laying here or standing here I am not really sure. I am just here with her. “How do you get out of here?” I ask her. “They pull me out. Who are you?” Kara asks me. “I am Kora daughter.” I tell her. She starts shaking her head. “NO! You must get out!” She starts screaming so loud it’s ringing in my ears.  I feel like my ear drums are going to burst. I put my hands over my ears. “STOP!!!” I start to scream back. I try to close my eyes to try to stop the sound. It finally stops and I open my eyes and she is gone it is just me in this hole alone. I don’t know if this was her I sit here for what feels like days at first. She hasn’t come back and I can’t walk or move I am just here. I wish more than anything I could figure out what this place is. I miss Rev and fear I will never see her again. There has to be a way out. What if I call for the Orb, I am guessing her Orb is what got me here. I just think of my Orb and its light. I just focus on its light and soon the darkness of this hole starts to light up.  I don’t see anything past the bright light. What if I was wrong and the light I am calling for is really going to take me to a place where I never see my dad or Rev again. I wonder if my mom is on the other side of the light. I can feel it growing and getting closer only one way to find out. “That’s them pulling us out of this hole.” I hear Kara and now she is next to me. “I don’t believe you’re Kora’s daughter but I will warn you. If they are pulling you out it is not good.” 

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