Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Series Wednesday: Family game night Page 6

“I was 17 when I killed for the first time. I had a high school sweetheart her name is not important we had a son together. I never got a chance to meet him; she gave him up the day he was born. I never got a chance to hold my son or even see him. I really wanted him. I told her I would find a way to take care of them both. She agreed for us to be a family.” My dad stopped talking and takes a sip of water. “The day my son was born, I couldn’t get a hold of her. I knew something was wrong but they wouldn’t let me out of the group home that day because another kid got in trouble. By the time they let me out and I found her it was too late. She explained that she was too afraid of my family to keep the baby.” This was the first time I have ever heard about my dad’s family. He never talked about where he came from. I didn’t even know he was in a foster home. “What was wrong with your family dad?” I ask. My dad walks over to me and wraps her arms around my chest and pulls me close. “My dad went crazy they said he lost his mind when he lost his job. Not that my dad was ever some kind of winner. He was a very awkward man with no hopes or dreams. I still remember him clearly. I remember the night he lost his mind. He found out my mom was having an affair with our neighbor and killed her. He had gone to kill the neighbor the next day but he didn’t stop there he killed half the block by the time they caught him.” I felt horrible for my dad in this moment. I never knew but I guess I never asked either. I turn around and hugged my dad. “I’m so sorry. How old were you?” I ask him. “I was 8 when it happened.  I didn’t understand too much back then. Just that my dad hurt my mom and she lived in the fridge now. I sat outside the fridge for days before they found me. Child protective services came and took me away. I didn’t find out about my dad until high school when other kids knew who I was because of my last name.” My dad pulls away from me. “Dad I don’t mean to be rude but how is this the story of your first kill?” Percy asks. “Right, I killed my girlfriend for giving my son away.” My mom’s jaw drops. “I’m surprised your never told me this.” She says as she stands up. My dad walks over to her. “Who talks about their first? It’s tacky.” My dad whispers to my mother as he presses up against her and kisses her. My mother seems smitten with my dad at this moment. I couldn’t be more grossed out. “What happened to your dad?” Grace asks. “Blood lust, he didn’t know how to pace himself. He had the killer instinct just like us but after all those years of suppressing it well it got to him. This is why we teach you how to deal with your instinct and control it.” My dad says as if what he and my sister do is normal.
                “Is there anything else you would like to know Percy?” My mother asks him as if we are just having an ordinary family conversation like any other family. Percy sits there for a second with his head down thinking. “Do you only kill bad people?” He asks without looking up. I think he knows the answer to the question but doesn’t want to look anyone in the eyes as he waits for their response. “Who are we to decide if someone is bad or not Percy?” I tell him so he understands my stance against what they do. “We don’t just kill people we don’t like Percy and don’t let Cahira blind faith to a black and white world of right and wrong. We do what we must to survive without going insane.” Grace says as she looks me in the eye. “Keep trying to justify what you do Grace but no matter how you spin it you’re just a cold blooded killer.” Grace smiles at my statement. “So be it I am a cold blooded killer with a 4.0 GPA and on the fast track to a bright future. I would much rather be a cold blooded killer than a bleeding heart for a corrupt society that thrives off of greed and manipulative slavery!” Grace step towards me with such intensity. “I see I have struck a nerve. I am a bleeding heart for a broken world full of lost soul and sheep much like you. You can judge me for being different then you Grace but let’s take a second to look at some facts, I am just as smart as you and could amount to anything you can but I won’t have that monkey on my back screaming at me to kill. I won’t ever long for someone else’s blood on my hands like you and therefore will never have to live a life full of secrets. I will be able to love and marry who ever I want. Unlike you who will be trapped by the one thing you think sets you free. You think I am mad at you Grace for being like mom and dad but you’re wrong I pity you. You will never have a real chance at life like I do.” I tell Grace as I step toward her showing her I do not fear her. Grace screams as she tries to run toward me. My dad slams his hand on the counter top. “Enough both of you!” We stop and look at my dad. “We are here to answer any questions that Percy might have. So both of you need to stop before I get angry. Percy go ahead anymore questions?” Percy has a freaked out look on his face. 

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