Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Series Wednesday: Timetopia page 62

I sit outside waiting for Rev to come out. "Why are you out here like a creeper?" She says as she comes out handing me some grapes. "I think we should go for a walk." I tell her, she look back inside and nods yes. We start walking away from the house. "Who do you trust?" I ask Rev. "No one. That was an easy one next question." She is making a joke when I am serious. "Rev please be serious. Only 5 people have the orbs and one of them is doing bad things. So who is the bad guy?  I mean we have 3 of the orbs so that leaves 2 people to choose from. Right?" Rev stops walking causing me to stop. She turns to look at me. "Why do you think any one person is good or bad? Look Ava from everything you have seen you still haven't learned anything. No one is completely bad or good. People themselves the are mistakes, we are trial and error that is what life is about. Yes people are capable of horrific things but trying to put people into categories is what has always messed people up." I hear what Rev is saying but I don't agree. "Anyone who can kill people for no reason is a bad person."  I reply back to her statement. "No one kills for no reason. They may not all be good reasons but it does not mean they don't have one."  I am in shock that Rev is defending... well I'm not sure who she is defending. "What about Charles?? Isn't he a bad person??" I don't know where that came from but the question just blurts out of my mouth.  She shakes her head at my question knowing I don't mean to be rude but I am really just trying to figure her train of thought.  "Richard made a bad choice....... That is true, however he was never a bad person just a weak one apparently." I can tell my mind isn't the only one seeing things different because of this conversation. "Are you still going to kill him?"  I ask seeing her thoughts on that might also be changing. "Yes I have to. I know you won't understand but I am not going to kill him because I think he is a bad person, it's going to be for her. There is a saying where I am from that best explains “An eye for an eye." I look at Rev I don't think they believe in forgiveness where she is from. "Sounds like a lot of dead and blind people where you're from if that's a saying. None of this helps me figure out who is doing all of this." I feel so confused. "We are never going to make it back to my time if you keep seeing things all the same way. Since I got to your "utopia" nothing has been what it seemed. So why would you think whoever is doing this would be that easy to figure out. You are going to need to think outside of the circle for that one." Rev smiles. "Outside of the circle?" I ask I have never heard this phrase. "It works just as good if not better then a box." She laughs and starts walking back to the house. I am not sure what a box has to do with any of this.
                I walk over to Kora's room; she is lying in her bed with her door open. I knock at her door. "Come in." She says without moving. "Are you okay?" I can see the tears running down her face. "No I'm not." She says so frankly. "Did your sister create the Decider?" I have been wondering since we found out about the flash drive. "No she didn't. The Decider had been around for some time before we were born. She was just one of the many doctors to work on figuring out why it only kills some and not the others."  She just seems so sad. "Erick murdered his wife?" I ask seeing if now is the time to talk about it. "What about it?"  Kora responds. "How is he a trusted friend of yours if he is a murderer?" I ask her, she sits up and pats on her bed for me to sit with her. "There is much more to Erick then you understand. He is very brilliant, which for some can drive them slightly mad. However my sister saw past the madness to his usefulness to our projects." I hear Kora's words, but Erick murdered his wife. "I don't think killing his wife because he was mad at her for sending their daughters to school is right no matter how you look at it." Kora nods at my words. "Ava you have grown up here in a land of no fear. You will never understand the life we lived nothing was ever just as simply right and wrong. Life was just a black hole." Kora just stops speaking in what felt like the middle of her thought. She sits there not looking at me even though her eyes were pointed at me it was like she was looking past me. “We should figure out who is doing this.” I tell her hoping it will light a fire under her to get her out of bed. “That won’t matter, you will go and stop all this from ever happening. We will go back to the plan tomorrow I just need a day to process everything you told me.”  Kora says as she sinks back down into her bed. I think it does matter who is doing this but I can tell today is not the day to talk about it. I get up off of Kora's bed and head back to my room to find Rev.

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